Our professional quality cleaning service will take care of your Commercial building tasks! We will customize a cleaning program to suit your budget and needs. We will work around your schedule. We will clean your office after hours or during work hours without interfering with your business. We provide high quality office cleaning and janitorial services for businesses of all sizes, We will maintain a clean and healthy environment. We strive to satisfy every customer! We provide high quality cleaning for:
- Business Offices
- Schools
- Banks
- Churches
- Restaurants
- Buildings “Common Area”
- Post Constructions
We are very flexible and adapt to meet the clients requirements. Our expert office cleaning staff will provide your company with worry-free way of maintaining a professional atmosphere day after day. Our office cleaning programs commonly entail the following services.
- Entrance, reception area, foyer and rooms cleaning
- Stair and elevator cleaning
- Washing woodwork and baseboards
- Removing cobwebs
- Cleaning blinds and windows sills
- Horizontal surface dusting and high dusting
- Dusting chairs
- Dusting and polishing furniture
- Dusting picture frames and lights fixtures
- Wiping and disinfection doorknobs, telephones and light switches
- Cleaning mirrors
- Cleaning glass surfaces
- Wiping down railings and stairs
- Removing trash
- Vacuuming carpeted space and rugs
- Vacuuming and mopping floors
- Trash collection and gathering
- Washing woodwork and baseboards
- Removing cobwebs
- Dusting lights fixtures
- Clean vanity top
- Wiping down cabinets exterior surfaces
- Wash and sanitizing bathrooms: sinks and toilets
- Cleaning blinds and windows sills
- Dusting picture frames
- Cleaning mirrors
- Cleaning glass surfaces
- Removing trash
- Vacuuming rugs and floors
- Washing floors
- Trash collection and gathering
- Washing woodwork and baseboards
- Removing cobwebs
- Cleaning blinds and windows sills
- Wash dishes and put them away
- Wiping down appliances and stovetop
- Inside and outside microwave cleaning
- Wiping down cabinets exterior surfaces and countertops
- Washing and disinfecting the sink
- Cleaning and shining chrome finishes and stainless steel
- Dusting picture frames
- Dusting lights fixtures
- Removing trash
- Lounge area cleaning: chairs, and tables
- Vacuuming and mopping floors